Tuesday 3 July 2012

Uganda 2012 Journal - Part 1

I have just returned from 2 weeks in Uganda leading a group of young people with Tearfund's Transform programme.  9 of us were hosted by The AIDS Intervention Programme (TAIP), one of Tearfund's partners who work to equip and mobilise local churches to respond to the effects of AIDS and HIV in Uganda.  They are based in Jinja, Uganda's second city, but work in many of the surrounding districts, as well as pioneering new work in the north.  We are a church youth group called YF (Youth Fellowship) from St Thomas' in Edinburgh where I am the Youth Worker.

This first post is me writing up the journal that I wrote in old fashioned pen-and-ink while out in Uganda. In blogging the entries, I have only added the occasional fact or extra piece of information - the feelings and experiences are very much as I tried to capture them when they occurred. The pictures which I will try to add as I go along were taken by the talented and wonderful Sarah Neville, a member of our team.  These are selected highlights only: the whole lot can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/82894987@N08/sets/

The team about to depart from Edinburgh
July 3 2012

I write this in my lovely room at the Victoria Panorama Hotel, Jinja.  For company I have a large flying bug of which I was rather scared at first (but which hasn't moved for a few hours from its perch on the ceiling light) and two little geckos, one of whom seems to live in the wardrobe!  They are less scary, but do tend to dart out unexpectedly and give me a fright!  At least they might eat the bugs :-)

Uganda is breathtaking.  The orange-ochre soil which greeted us on arrival at Entebbe Airport seems to flow up from the earth here - a rich, colorful metaphor for the life of the people here.  
On our way from Entebbe to Jinja we had a two-hour initiation into Ugandan life - crazy, busy but never seeming hurried or stressed.  Fred, our host from TAIP, is graciousness itself, arranging this stunning hotel overlooking Lake Victoria - Africa's largest lake, and the third largest freshwater lake in the world.

 Road workers in Jinja, with the wonderful orange Ugandan soil

Lake Victoria from our hotel, the Victoria Panorama in Jinja
Tonight the moon rose over the bay, illuminating the water's stillness with silver light - stunning.

Joseph, another of our hosts from TAIP, blessed of us with 5 large cases of bottled water - no purification tablets needed!  All the staff at the hotel are gracious and wonderful, from Daniel the porter/books 'harmoniser', to Elizabeth the owner.  Food has been tasty and filling - chicken stew, fried potatoes, rice and peas, pieces of fish, spinach and lots of Mountain Dew and Pepsi.  Delicious!

I am filled with love for the people here, and even more so for the team.  All have been patient and gracious - it must be the Ugandan spirit rubbing off on us!

God has been close.  Sweet sense of his grace on the plane as we set off.  Despite rushes to catch planes, lost bags and unfamiliar procedures, I have felt at peace.  Tonight we prayed - sang Everlasting God a capella with just clicked fingers and cicadas for percussive accompaniment in the balmy night.  Then a sweet, gentle Fatherly presence.  The YF prayed heartfelt thanks for all you have done LORD.  We are ready.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
Romans 12:1

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